Photography 101 

Starting with the fundamentals, students will learn and apply photography theories. We will also go on a photography walk in the city, experimenting with the camera’s light and shadow to create a picture.   

Students can expect: 

  • Basic Photography Info: Aperture, Shutter Speed, ISO, EV 
  • Composition Concepts with Basic Colour Management 
  • Basic Camera Operation 
  • 1-hour photography walk + critique 

This 6-hour course is suitable for anyone who interested in photography.  

Dates and times of outdoor sections are for reference only and may change depending on the weather conditions. Students will be informed of the outdoor sections details before lesson.   

Carl Tsang 

Hong Kong-based professional photographer Carl Tsang is President of Asia’s most prestigious photography institute – Hong Kong Institute of Professional Photographers (HKIPP), a member of the Design Discipline Advisory Board (DEDAB), and adjunct lecturer at a few Hong Kong institutions. 

As chief photographer at CT Creative & Production, Carl focuses on portrait, still life, and landscape photography for his clients. He has also been capturing the beauty of Taiwan through his lenses for the Taiwan Tourism Bureau Hong Kong since 2013. Carl has successfully portrayed Taiwan in a different light, using his expertise to combine idyllic vistas, local culture, and elements of tourism in his photography. 

Hong Kong, Taiwan, SuperStar Virgo, and Eslite Bookstore (HK) are just some of the places where Carl has held solo exhibitions – the latter of which was to promote Taiwan tourism and photography. He is also a regular speaker and writer for many brands and a columnist for various magazines and online media. Since 2016, Carl has held recurrent talks at Eslite Bookstore to share his tourism and photography knowledge. As a result of his contribution to Taiwan tourism, Carl has received awards from Taiwan Tourism Bureau Hong Kong from 2014 to 2016. 

Period 10 May to 24 May 2025 (every Saturday) 
Time 2:00-4:00pm
No. of Lesson 3 (Total of 6 hours) 
Fee HK$2,190 
Level Beginner 
Language Cantonese   
Course Code  ASSC-2183B-R 
Age 16+  
Entry Requirement N/A  
Venue 15/F, Hong Kong Arts Centre